Monday, July 4, 2011

God's Words of Wisdom for Monday 4 July 2011

"Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on this the 4th July 2011"

Before I begin today's writing, I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy 4th of July as we celebrate Our Country's Independence Day.  Take time out today and pray for those that have fought and died to give us our freedoms that we still enjoy today.  Pray that we invite God back into our Country instead of turning Him away.  Pray also for those in other countries around the world that are going through suffering, imprisonment and death because of there faith and trust in Jesus Christ.  May the Name of Jesus be glorified in everything that we say and do.  For the believer in Jesus Christ everyday is "Independence Day" from sin and death because of the shed blood of Jesus Christ upon the Cross of Calvary.

Today's Bible Verse:  Matthew 7:24-27 "Therefore whosoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who builds his house on the rock, and the rain descended, the floods came, and the wind blew and beat on that house, and it did not fall, for it was founded on  a rock.  But anyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and who built his house on the sand, and the rain descended, the flood came, and the winds blew, and it beat on that house, and it fell, and great was it's fall."

The key difference in the two houses is not their external appearance.  The key in the story is the foundations.  The house on the rock pictures a life founded on a proper relationship with Christ.  It will stand the test of Christ's judgement, but the house on sand will fail the test.

Jesus in drawing His concluding illustration of the two foundations begins with the word "therefore".  On the basis of all that He has taught, He concluded that all who both hear and do His sayings shall be saved.  As a Master Counselor, Jesus reminds us that hearing this message alone will not change our lives.  We must both hear and do what Jesus has said.  The elements here are drawn from nature itself, the "rock". the "rain", and the "winds".  The man whose house collapsed was at fault, not because he failed to labor, but because he did not lay the proper foundation.

Jesus in Matthew 7:13-27, concludes His sermon with four warning, each featured by paired contrasts: (1) two ways 13-14) (2) two trees (15-20) (3) two claims (21-23) and (4) two builders (24-27).  As Christians we need to be sure that we choose between each wisely.

Today's Hymn: "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (verse 2)

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join with nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love
Great is Thy Faithfulness! Great is Thy Faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see,
All I have needed Thy hand hast provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit,  Help us as men and woman to build our lives and those of our family on the solid rock which is in Jesus Christ, so that when the storms and winds of life descend upon us we will be able to stand against it.  May our daily praise be to you "Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me".

Today's Biblical Truth: "The teachings of Jesus are ROCK SOLID"

Click on the link at for Today's Scripture Reading from Psalm 81 which is Titled: "A Tabernacles Song".

Have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day.  Go in Peace and Serve the Lord with Gladness.  Love God More Today and always remember that when you have a spiritual dilemma in your life and you yell out, "I CAN'T",  God Whispers to you, "BUT I CAN".

Jesus Reigns


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