Monday, August 13, 2012

God's Words Of Wisdom

"Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for 14 August 2012"

Today's Bible Verse: Acts 1:9-11 "Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up and a cloud received Him out of their sight.  And while they steadfastly looked toward heaven as He went up, behold two in white apparel stood by them and said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into the heavens?  This same Jesus who was taken from you into heaven, will come back in the manner as you saw Him go into heaven."

Wow!! This same Jesus who was taken in the clouds will come back in the same matter and when He does come back the whole world will see Him.  In these verses, there are several things that unlike the appearances and disappearances over the past 40 days since the Resurrection of Jesus from the grave, this departure was gradual and visible.  This was different and final.  He would no longer appear to them in bodily form.  His next appearance on earth will be His Second Coming, when He will visibly and bodily set His feet on Mount Olive. (Come, Lord Jesus, Come)

A "witness" is a person who "gives evidence" basing his or her testimony concerning actual events from a direct personal knowledge.  The disciples gave this kind of evidence concerning the life of Christ and His Resurrection.  You and I give this kind of evidence with the work of God in our lives.

Jesus promised that He would never "LEAVE" nor "FORSAKE" us, and then He would be with us until the end of the earth.  He fulfilled this promise in the form of the "Holy Spirit" who dwells with each believer.  "Taken up" "cloud received Him" and "He went up" are three statements that portrayed the gradual majestic departure of Jesus from the earth.  The Second Coming of Christ and the establishment of His kingdom, will occur the same way that Jesus ascended, "Physically" and "Visibly" in the clouds so that the whole Word will see Him.  Do you like I do, when I see clouds gathering think to yourself, "Are those the clouds that Jesus will come on?"

Jesus Christ ascended to heaven to resume His Glory and Enthronement.  He also began His High Priest ministry in heaven for us as Christans, which continues still today and will continue until we are in heaven with Him.  He is our Advocate before the Father on our behalf as Satan accuses us day and night.  We who have been washed in the blood of the Lamb have been redeemed and God's wrath is no longer against us.

It is doubtful that the disciples who watched Jesus physically ascend completely understood all that it signified at first.  When we as Christians, understand what the ascension of Christ really means to us, then we can look forward to His imminent return, and work harder in our present Ministry of reaching out and telling others about the Free Gift of Salvation that comes through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. 

Click on this link  for a Blog Writing from Esther 2 which is Titled: "Esther Becomes Queen."

JESUS REIGNS!!!  May God's Love, Peace, Strength, and Grace be with you all.

Your Sister in Christ,

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